Tuesday 4 December 2012

Group: Audience survey questions

These are the questions we will be asking people as part of our audience feedback research. We will collect the results using the website 'surveymonkey.com'.

1. Are you male or female?

2. What age group do you fit into?

3. Did you understand the narrative of the video? If not, what were you unsure about?

4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most suitable) how appropriate did you think the narrative was for the song and indie-pop genre?

5. Please rate these features of our video in order of effectiveness/suitability?
Performance shots        Locations          Lighting           Costume        Cutting rate
6. Do you think there is a clear link between the video and the print-work?

7. What did you think were the strengths of the video?

8. What did you think were the weaknesses of the video?

9. What improvements would you suggest for this video?

10. Any other comments?

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