Thursday 27 September 2012

Group: Location Reccies

We will be visiting the drama studio and Brighton this week to assess whether or not the location will be suitable for our music video. We will use the green screen and blank backgrounds in the drama studio for placing our band in locations unavailable to us, or we could use the studio for shots of the artist singing or performing against a blank background. We could use Brighton to our advantage as it will allow us to practise shots on the scene where we will be recording some of our video. This will allow us to look at suitable locations and practise filming a couple of shots there. We will practise camera techniques on location so we can get some idea of what kind of shots we may use in our final production. Where the whole class is concerned, we will be able to practise the specific shots given to us by Mrs. Johnson and create a short film, similar to what we did last year at Wilderness Woods. As for our group, we will be able to experiment and try lots of new shots or other shots that Mrs. Johnson did not give to us.
                 We will also need to carry out more location reccies in the future, in London and Tonbridge specifically, but we may come up with more ideas for locations later on, in which case we will need to undertake location reccies there as well.

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