Wednesday 19 September 2012

Group: Mini-Pitch Feedback

These are some points of improvement or consideration that the class suggested in response to our mini-pitch for our music video idea.

  • Locations - our idea involves the animal escaping from London Aquarium so we will need to find out if we can get permission to film there. There is also the matter of being able to get around and film at all the places we plan to go to.
  • We also need to be able to make our video unique or so that it's not too similar to the video for 'Paradise' by Coldplay.
  • Good costumes are usually quite expensive so we will need to look around and find one that is of good quality and not too expensive.
  • A good idea that was suggested is that we could end the video at the beach with the band playing, as the animal runs past them and into the sea.
  • We may need a long list of actions that the animal may do on his journey from London to Brighton. Suggestions include the animal cycling, getting on a bus, getting on the tube, or skateboarding.
  • At the beginning of the song, where it's entirely instrumental, we may have a montage or possibly a cinematic opening.
  • We will need to talk to Mr. Five-Ash about using a splitscreen in our video as it is not an easy task to do, and requires a lot of precision, timing, and ability.

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