Friday 14 September 2012

TF: Three Possible Tracks

Ed Sheeran – The City
Album Name - +

I chose Ed Sheeran’s song – The City as a potential candidate for our music video, as not only did it not have a video, it also fitted into our time limit. From listening to the song the first time, I had very clear ideas of how we could create a music video to fit in with this song. The song is about the protagonist moving to the city, from the countryside but struggling to settle in to his new way of life. Particular ideas that sprung to mind if we decided to go ahead for this, is that there would be several locations, all in London. The song is not a very upbeat tune, so with lighting it would have to be dark, so filmed at night, with the bright lights of the city. Other misé-en-scene ideas such as the costume and characters would be just the artist, wearing hobo indie clothes with the gloves with no fingers strumming his old acoustic guitar. Particular camera shots would be a time lapse of everyone walking past quickly with the artist being singled out as different. Another shot would be a mid-shot with the artist sitting on the floor, with extras looking down on him. In the end this song was not chosen.

The Kooks – Seaside
Album Name – Inside In/ Inside Out

The Kooks – Seaside was singled out as possible track we could perform a video to. As we have a location reccie down to Brighton, I thought if we chose this track then we could get an idea what shots would be possible on a location similar to this. The song connotes a happy mood, so the colours would be light and positive. The song is about the protagonist saying “I fell in love at the seaside” so an idea for visuals would be montages of a boy and girl sharing happy moments on the beach. This could be going swimming, going on a pier, and just the boy and girl having fun. If this track was personally chosen, the video would most likely be performance based in a studio, with the narrative being filmed on the beach. This track in the end was not chosen as the duration of the track fell well below the minimum.


James Morrison – This Boy
Album Name – Undiscovered

Ideas for visuals would be similar to the ones mentioned in the Ed Sheeran – The City. The song also connotes a dark feeling so potentially shots of the artist would be in colour but the montage of the narrative would be filmed in black and white. The misé-en-scene would also be similar, as there would be the one artist, however for the montage, a young boy living a depressed life due to his mother. Camera shots could be in the park with the kid enjoying his time then contrasted with him living a struggled life at home. This track was in the end not chosen as we found an alternative track and also this track had also been performed by a previous year at TWGSB.

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