Friday 14 September 2012

JP: Festival Poster & Questions on Poster

1. Reflect on your use of Photoshop. How does it enable creativity? What were the challenges? How did you overcome them?
Photoshop enables creativity by giving you a blank canvas on which you can experiment by importing pictures and layering them on top of each other, using paint tools and writing tools and effects tools so you can warp and change images to the point where you wouldn’t recognise the original image anymore due to your own creation. The main challenge I faced was my lack of experience. I had never used Photoshop before, so I had to teach myself about layering and using the tools provided. Due to this lack of experience, I found it difficult to think of how to begin making my poster, and what tools to use making it, etc., and initially it looked unprofessional. However, once I found a good idea and a good starting point, I taught myself how to use the tools and eventually my poster came out looking better than I thought it would.
2. List the techniques used in Photoshop. To what effect?
There are many techniques available on Photoshop. I used many of them in my poster, the main being the writing tools, as I included most of my line up for the festival in the poster, meaning I needed to use a lot of writing. I used many distorting tools to make the fonts more interesting, and I used colour effects like chrome with red to make each artist have their own individual font. I used the clone stamp tool to remove some unwanted background, and I used the magic wand tool to cut out parts of the background onto a new layer, so I could make shadow under the different parts.
3. Evaluate your finished product in terms of the brief. How successful were you?
I believe I was very successful in my poster creation, as despite my severe lack of experience, I still managed to create a fairly professional-looking poster, much better than what I expected to create at the beginning. I am now fairly confident in my Photoshop abilities, and my poster is fairly conventional of festival posters, meaning I successfully completed the task as requested.
4. Moving on to print production for the digipak and advert. What advice would you give yourself?
The advice I would give myself is to keep my ideas open. With Photoshop you are given a blank canvas and can do what you want with it, so I think I should not focus on one idea and instead let my imagination have a role, as often some digipaks can be good and some bad, so I should let myself develop ideas rather than sticking with one, to try and create one that would appeal to all audiences.

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