Wednesday 7 November 2012

Group: Concept Development

As a group we are putting our footage in to the editing software Adobe Premiere Elements 9. Once we have done this, we will save our files into the Data Disk. Also, we are producing our printwork of two advertisements, and one digipak. We have decided that Toby and Jake are going to be creating a printwork, and Ben will be producing the digipak for the group.

After reviewing our footage, we believe we have 30-40% of our music video, however we will need to go back to the locations we have been to previously to capture more footage, and footage to a better effect. Our next shoot is in Hayesden Park, Tonbridge on Sunday 11th November where we will be shooting our performance shots. We need to make sure we organise well, to ensure our band turn up on time, to give us enough time to make our shoot as effective as possible.

The problems we are currently facing are the protagonists costumes' head is very loose, and shaking around the whole time. To counteract this problem we are going to make a slight alteration to the costume. Another problem is we haven't got enough movement shots, and a lot of our shots are static shots on a tripod, so when we go and film again, we will be using a lot more handicam shots, to go with the fast, upbeat tune.

1 comment:

  1. Good, don't forget mid shots, cus and more interesting angles.
