Monday 5 November 2012

Group: Filming Update

During Half-Term, we conducted three film shoots. One in Brighton, one in London, and one in Hayesden Park, Tonbridge.

We went to Brighton on Monday 29th October. Our main problem of this film shoot, was our battery didn't last long enough to make it successful. We only managed to film in the Sea Life Centre, even though we had a lot more planned shots at this location. However, what was successful is we went round Brighton looking at different locations we could use, such as the pier amusements, and the laines. We plan to go back to Brighton at a later date.

On 31st October we went to London. This had its sucessful moments, but we also found some difficulties. The protagonist we had hired to use, turned up a lot later than we expected, so we had to be quick to get the most out of the lighting. Also in our reversal time lapse shot, the protagonist's head was moving too much, and wasn't looking forward, so the shot we had planned didn't come out as effective as we would have liked. However, on the contrary, the shots we did come up with were very creative, and we believe will look effective in our music video. We have a particular idea of filming both London Eye, and the Brighton Eye in a split-screen shot sped up, with them both rotating opposite ways.

Thursday 1st November was our shoot in Hayesden Park, Tonbridge. This was an effective film shoot, however we could have done better. We are including a shot with our protagonist running at geese, and catching the geese flying away in slow motion. However, we will need to shoot this shot again as we were unable to see the crocodile in the shot. On the positive side, we produced an effective handicam tracking shot which we will use in our video.

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