Monday 26 November 2012

Group: Editing Update

In a free period today and also during our lesson, we have now successfully, fully edited our first 35 seconds of footage. As well as these shots, we have reviewed the performance shots we filmed on Thursday 15th November, and have cut it to ensure the lip syncing is on time. Furthermore, we have created the split screen shot of the band, which was one of our original ideas. We had to see where each member was the only prevalent person in the screen and used that as their corner. Our split screen shot looks very effective because despite it going against conventional Indie Pop videos, we believe our shot fits in with the track. Another shot edited today, is the lead singer is in rule of thirds, and the other two thirds of the screen is filled up with the protagonist watching the horse racing amusement on Brighton Pier. We have made it so the horses are moving to the lyric 'taking you for a ride', as this can be seen as disjunctive, yet there is still a relationship between lyrics and visuals, a convention Goodiwn put forward in his theory. We should be able to complete our whole music video by the deadline on Friday 30th November, but to do this we must make sure we edit efficiently in all of our free periods, and Media Studies lessons.

1 comment:

  1. Screenshot plus break up footage into points would improve this and bring up to level 4
