Friday 23 November 2012

TF: Printwork Step by Step

Step 1:

Here is the hand drawn rough copy of my advert. Originally, I had planned to include the band members standing together in the clothes they wore in the performance, with the crocodile laying down in front of them. My font type in this copy was very simplistic to emphasise the meta-narrative of the band 'Architecture in Helsinki.' I have included the exact same titles in this rough copy as I have the finished product, however the overall layout is completely different. I chose not to re-create what I had drawn as my advert as I don't believe the end product would have been as sucessful as the design I went for.

Step 2:

After my first go at producing an advert, this was the finished product. I decided to remain with the simplistic style, however the design is different. In this advert, there was just 5 layers. One for the background, one for the band name, and the other 3 were the logos of the Web 2.0 applications. My background for this advert has been filtered to the patchwork effect. I believed at first, this looked effective, however after reviewing this, and advice from peers I changed it. I am happy, I chose to start again, as this poster for me, wasn't very easy on the eye, and I could most certainly improve it.. The image for the background is a piece of actual footage, which I acquired through taking an export off the editing software Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0.

Step 3:

The background for my finished product is not a part of our footage but a photo we took on one of our film shoots in London. I believed that because the London Eye is featured in our opening and is a very iconic attraction then it could be used as a background to a sucessful image. I have included the crocodile in the photo as it represents what our song is all about. The colours are very dull in the background to represent the meta narrative of the band. I slightly altered the brightness of the background to try make the crocodile look as if it was in silhouette, however I didn't want to make it too dark that consumers of this text wouldn't be able to make the image out.

Step 4:

In this step I am going to tell you about the titles in my advert. Similarly to the hand drawn copy the only titles are the band's name 'Architecture in Helsinki' and the album's name 'Moment Bends', and also included the date of the release which is the deadline for all of our production. My font type for my titles is 'All Hooked Up' at size 65.63 pt. I looked in to 5 different fonts, however this to me stood out the most, yet still represented a simplistic band image. I did look into making the font have gradient on it, and changing the opacity so the background filled the font, but due to the darkness of my background it was hard to make out what the titles read. To make the title 'Moment Bends' around the London Eye, I used the Elipse tool, to create a bend to the text. I thought this could be seen as a word pattern, which to me has come out very effective. I chose to create this style because it's a basic technique, which further represents the meta narrative.

Step 5:

To complete my poster, I had to erase any imperfections in the photo which were present. To do this, I used the clone stamp tool, to hide the overhanging trees. I clone stamped the gradient of the darker grey and went over it so it looked natural, and improved. In all our adverts, and digipak, we have tried to show the simplicity of the band's meta-narrative, and the protagonist in the video. We have shown the crocodile in locations that are featured in our video, as the audience a real sense of the video's narrative.

1 comment:

  1. Good comments Toby, can you change where you refer to the advert as a poster. Also there were some questions to go with your final print product
