Tuesday 27 November 2012

Group: Progress

This is a screenshot of the ending of our music video, which has been completed now. We created an overlay in photoshop which was a large black square with a circle cut out of it on a transparent background. This meant that when the image was imported, the transparent circle would reveal the protagonist in the background, as shown above. We have used motion keyframing to make the circle shrink into the postion seen above. We made it so at the beginning of the shot, the back is out of the screen, and it slowly shrinks towards the middle before stopping. We encountered a problem where when the black square shrank, the edges weren't long enough to cover the whole screen, so the edges of the shot were still visible. We combatted this by creating a plain black rectangle in photoshop and motion keyframing it to move into the screen when the background becomes visible, covering it up and keeping the background black. We did this on both sides of the screen. We decided to include a dip to black right at the end of the music video for effect. We have done more work earlier in the video, including cross dissolves and just lining shots into time and lip synching with our performance shots, but our main focus has been on the ending, which is now done.

1 comment:

  1. good comments this would be a lot better if the comments were split up into points rather than a block of text.
