Monday 12 November 2012

Group: Filming Update

On Sunday 11th November, as a group we went to Hayesden Park for a second shoot. I personally believe that this shoot was very sucessful, as the lighting was at the level we wanted, and we made excellent use of our time there. We will be reviewing the footage in the lesson today, and editing what we need and don't need. We didn't face many difficulties, unlike our other shoots, however, the park was fairly busy so we had to film a lot of the shots a couple of times, and also wait until the location we wanted to use was clear. We took the school camera out as well to film people's reaction when they see a crocodile walking through a park, and will watch the footage back to see if this was an effective decision, and also to see if there is a noticable difference between the quality of the footage in both cameras.

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