Monday 12 November 2012

TF: Progress Update

In today's lesson (12/11/2012), I volunteered to be the editor of the group. I reviewed all of the footage we had shot so far, including the recent shoot in Hayesden Park, Tonbridge the previous day. My job wasn't to include transitions and specific SFX, but to cut out all the bad footage, or where no action is going on. Our footage turned out to be very good, because the lighting was at the level we wanted. However, one slight problem when reviewing the footage was that some shots were filmed slightly out of focus, but on the contrary the shots that were out of focus are shots we aren't including as we have better takes of the same shot.
Then as a group, we decided that our next film shoot is going to be on Thursday 15th November, where we will be shooting our performance shots. We are going to need to arrange our band members to get to our location (the Drama Studio in our school), and be as productive as possible. We are aiming to get all our performance shots in the one shoot. As well as the shoot on Thursday, we are going back to London on the Sunday of the same week where we will need to film all our footage from this location in the one shoot.

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