Tuesday 23 October 2012

Group: Audience Research - Pitch


We created a survey on surveymonkey.com to be distributed through social networking sites and via email, so we could determine whether or not our concept was suitable for our target audience. Using Web 2.0 as a marketing technique was very effective, as we managed to get 17 different people answering our survey, a fairly large group, so we could really see our results and how popular they were with our target audience. Our questions were mostly single answer questions, with a few where more than one answer was available to be selected. There were two questions which required a written answer, and most of our questions had a comment box where people could write any extra views, however this wasn't used very much.


1. Our first question was to identify which portion of the people taking our survey were within our target market. We were very happy as all 17 were within our target age group, and we made a mistake when creating this question by letting our audience select more than one age group, so someone chose all of them.

2. Our second question was finding out whether our song was popular with our audience, and as the results show most people thought the song was good, which is a great result.

3. We asked whether our music should be related to the lyrics, music or if it should be disjunctive. We got mixed results, with the same number of people choosing for it to be related to the lyrics as the number of people who chose for it to be related to the music. This is what were planning on doing, just amplified, so we belive that we got the results we were looking for with this question.

4. We asked our audience what they believe the meaning behind the song is. We got a mixture of results, but the majority of people said that they belived it represented either someone running, someone escaping from somewhere, or teenagers having fun. We are using two fo these results, with the running and escaping, so we believe our concept will be popular with our audience.

5. We wanted to find out what visuals come into our audience's heads when they hear the song. Most people had the same kind of answers, with teenagers having fun, bright colours, running, etc. Our idea is related to most of these things.

6. We presented our idea to the audience and asked if they believed if it was suitable. We have changed the costume of the protagonist now, so it is no longer a prisoner but a crocodile, however the concept is practically the same, so we still believe that the fact most of the people said this idea was suitable is a very positive outcome.

7. We asked what locations were suitable for our idea, and gave the audience three options. All were very popular, with busy streets being the most popular and coastal areas the least. We also had a few suggestions, but we do not believe they would be suitable.

8. Our question 8 is no longer relevant to our concept, as it questioned the prisoner's outfit. We have changed our concept to a crocodile now, but we presented this idea in class and only recieved positive feedback.

9. We asked about the gender and age of our protagonist, another question which does not relate to our concept any more, as with the crocodile costume on, the gender and age of the protagonist will not be noticeable. Nevertheless, when we conducted the survey most of our results said male between 16 and 25, and the character in the costume will be of this age and gender.

10. For our final question, we asked what the speed of editing should be for our video, with three options of fast cutting rate, average pace and a slow video with lots of continuous shots. The majority of our results said between fast and average, which accords with our idea as the song is very upbeat.


From this research we have gained quite a lot, as we have realised that our ideas are popular with our target audience. There were a few issues, but upon presenting the crocodile idea, these issues have been resolved and our crocodile costume idea is much more popular with our audience. In reflection, our research method was quite good through using social networking. We may have had a few people not taking the written answers completely seriously, but in general our results were good. Looking back we should have asked the gender of the person taking the survey, as this would have let us know in more detail whether the person who answered was part of our target audience.

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