Monday 22 October 2012

Group: Pitch feedback

Our concept change from an animal escaping captivity to a prisoner escaping and seeing his family again was not received well from the class, they preferred our original idea.

Issues raised included:
  • The age of the prisoner's children would be a difficulty since our prisoner would need to look older than he would in real life.
  • It was also pointed out that we would need to consider how our character switches to and from locations.
  • Although Hayesden Park looked nice when we were there for our location reccie, the weather may not be as good when it comes round to filming.
  • Is our planned ending at the prisoner's home exciting enough? Or is it an anti-climax?
  • Miss Johnson thinks that for us to use an orange prisoner suit would make our music video too similar to another video from a previous year.
  • If we switch back to an animal idea we will most likely use a crocodile suit, which we need to look at the price of.
  • We also need to figure out what to fill time with. What actions other than running will the character be doing?
  • What is going to be happening during the character's journey.


  1. Good, your group will need to prioritise concept development this week. Please keep the blog posted and comment on each others ideas. Storyboard the opening scene and then some other strong visual ideas which you have, then you can consider how to link them. I think you have a strong idea with the animal escapee, post some visuals of possible costumes and prices as a starting point.

  2. We have the costume now, it is an adult crocodile costume, it can be seen in the Concept Development post.
