Friday 12 October 2012

Group: Location Reccies

Considering Brighton and the Drama Studio, how are you going to use these locations? Consider Group and Whole Class. What additional location reccies do you need to carry out?

It is very likely that Brighton, will be a location used in our music video. Because, in Brighton there are numerous places of interest, including the pier, and the laines, we believe that we can produce very creative and effective shots, that would also be suitable for our track. Furthermore, as the pier has many rides on we can use this to represent the lyric of 'Taking me for a ride', as at the moment we believe our video will be a mix of the visuals having both a relationship with lyrics, and the song.

The time we spent in the drama studio wasn't as effective as we could make it. We didn't use our time, and equipment effectively, as we still weren't totally sure of our concept. We were practicing shots, of the band lip-syncing the lyrics, and strumming the instruments as we will be including performance shots in our video. We attempted zoomed in close-up shots of the band playing the instruments but after reviewing the footage, realised how unprofessional it was and that when we perform such shots, we will have to shoot these shots numerous times to make it look as realistic as possible. What we did learn from the drama studio lesson is that when it comes to shooting our extra shoot for our whole class One Direction video, we will potentially use the green screens, as we could film ourselves in extravagent locations.

Other than the Brighton location reccie we will also be carrying out reccies in Hayesden Park, Tonbridge, due to our changed concept being about a prison escape, there are a number of pill boxes, whoch we can use as our cell, and in several locations in London. As a group, we have discussed about including places people recognise in London, as then the audience can relate to our video.


  1. The pillbox is still a good location, don't you think?

  2. Yes, we have agreed that are still going to try to incorporate the pillbox as a location in our music video, as we believe it is a very good location.
