Friday 12 October 2012

Group: Brighton Trip

  • We went to Brighton for the day on a school trip, and were given the task of carrying out a location reccie to find suitable areas that we could possibly use in our final production. we were tasked with filming a few shots and some of our own, and the above video shows what we managed to capture.
  • We believe we acheived quite a lot, as a few of the shots we captured could be mimicked in our final production. We have agreed that we will use Brighton as a location in our final production, as some of the areas are very suitable.
  • We encountered a few problems, mainly during the time lapse shot. Ben's head moved too much, which was quite an easy mistake to make, but when the footage is sped up it is very evident. We also often had the problem of people walking in front of the camera whilst filming, which had to be cut out. We also had some continuity problems, as the weather differed greatly throughout the day, raining and being sunny. It was also quite dark in some locations which meant filming was difficult.
  • We learnt that we need to stay completely still during the time lapse shot, which we will use in our final production, as other wise there could be swift, jerky movements. We also discovered some great locations that we could use.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, some of the shots need more careful composition.
